Android adalah sistem operasi yang berbasis Linux untuk telepon seluler seperti telepon pintar dan komputer tablet. Android menyediakan platform terbuka bagi para pengembang untuk menciptakan aplikasi.
Afiliasi adalah bentuk kerjasama antara dua lembaga yang masing-masing berdiri sendiri. Secara singkat, afiliasi juga bisa diartikan “anggota” atau “cabang”.
Perangkat lunak aplikasi adalah suatu subkelas perangkat lunak komputer yang memanfaatkan kemampuan komputer langsung untuk melakukan suatu tugas yang diinginkan pengguna.
Mac for short, is one type of PowerPC-based personal computers
manufactured by Apple.Macintosh was first introduced in January 1984
through Super Bowl advertising is phenomenal. Macintosh is the first to introduce a computer system graphical user interface (GUI). At that time, the steps taken by APPLE is a revolutionary development in the world of personal computers. Mac OS stands for Macintosh Operating System. Mac OS is a computer operating system created by Apple Computer for Macintosh computers and is compatible with IBM-based PC. Introduced in 1984, Mac OS since 2006 has had compatibility with PowerPC and x86 architectures. Mac OS X is the latest version of Mac OS operating system for Macintosh computers. The operating system was first issued in 2001. Many
do not realize, when Apple launched its new operating system Mac OS
10.5 codenamed Leopard last October, the latest operating system is much
cheaper than Microsoft's Windows Vista that has at least five kinds of
prices. Sold for about $ 2 million for family use with five computers, operating system features the equivalent of Windows Vista.
The advantages offered by the operating system Leopard is Apple's security. Everyone knows that Windows operating systems require a better security system. Mac OS 10 operating system more secure and has not been any reports bobolnya security system. Another interesting feature in Mac OS 10.5 is Quick Look. This feature allows users to browse documents in actual size without opening the program that created the document. The presence of high-speed broadband access led to many Internet users tend to gather various information. While
the iPhone is Apple's mobile phone output of which has several
advantages such as ease of Internet connections, multimedia
sophistication among other smartphones. iPhone
is a combination of cell phone camera, media player such as iPod video
and mobile Internet client (with features such as e-mail, web browsing
and Wi-Fi. The Mac operating system Mac OS X has a good performance. Mac is almost never experienced such crashes occur on Windows. Mac also does not require additional hardware such as driver for the printer. Macs immune to viruses. Anti virus is not needed on a Mac. Mac users no longer need to be bothered with schedule download anti virus update. One thing that makes Mac users feel safe is guaranteed for one year warranty and AppleCare service it. Mac sales price is not low. Apple's attention and service users are also good. This is why today many people migrating from Windows to Mac. The
relationship between the MAC OS to the iPhone is, the iPhone running
iPhone OS operating system-based variants are found in central Darwin
operating system MAC OS X. Do not forget to be found also 'Core Animation' software component of MAC OS X v10.5 Leopard. In
addition, of course, to calibrate, sync, and database backup of the
iPhone is easier to do than the Macintosh operating system than windows.
with the same software, ie iTunes in Mac OS and iPhone, the problem of
copy to copy songs and videos just as easy as drag-and-drop only. Indeed there are striking differences between Mac OS 10.5 and earlier versions, Mac OS 10.3 Tiger or Mac OS 10.4 Panther. After
trying the Compass Leopard for some time, Apple's latest operating
system is easier to use and fun for anyone, even beginners though.Many things changed in the new Apple operating system is. Expectations
were growing that Apple's operating system is able to stand alone, no
longer associated with computer hardware made by Apple. If
only Mac OS 10.5 can produce cloned computer that runs on any brand
computer, a lot of people who might be migrating an operating system
that is intuitive and easy to use.
MarkZuckerberg This young manwas born onMay 14, 1984.Hebegan tolearnprogrammingsincehigh school.Hisownfatherwhotaught himAtariBASICprogrammingtime.At the age of18 years,hemanaged tomake amusicplayerprogramcalled"SynapseMediaPlayer"that usesartificialintelligencetolearn thehabits ofits users.The programthenhepublishandobtainthe rank-3inPCMagazine.MicrosoftandAOLtriedtopurchaseSynapseandrecruitZuckerberg,buthe actuallywent toHarvardCollegeinSeptember 2002.
At the age of20 years,Zuckerberglaunched Facebookfromhis roomin a dormitoryat Harvard,which was onFebruary 4, 2004.At that time,upjustas the"Harvardof goods"untilZuckerbergfinallydecidedto tellhis friends atother universities,whohavesocialcontactswithHarvardwiththe helpofroommateDustinMoskovitz.Fromthis point, Facebookstartedandbecame knownworldwideas thelargest social networking siteused bymorethan 500millionpeople.VanityFairmagazine,hasnamedZuckerbergas number1of the"100 Most Influential Peopleinthe Information Age".Now,atthe age of26 years,Zuckerbergwas onthe order ofthe Forbes212richest people.
FruityLoopsis amusicsoftwareforPCdiciptaan.Without the addition ofothersoftwaretoproduceaaransmenmusic,asmusicinterface,FruityLoopsis designedwith comprehensive features,soundsand toolstheusercancreatecompletesongs,backing tracks,loopsorsizzlingbeats.Completedsongscan be saved toWAV,MP3,Ogg,MIDI,ZIPornativeprojectformats(.FLP). instrument Make virtually any sound.FL8includes29virtualsynthesizerscoveringacoustic / syntheticbass,electricguitarandplucked string simulation,samplertools includingpiano, generalsample playback,andbeat-slicing,anda variety ofsynthesistechniques(subtractive,modeling,FM,granularand extras).WithFLStudiosnewest addition,FLSynthmaker- a fullymodularenvironment,you can now create& share your ownFLinstruments,effects& dashboardswithout theneed to writebasiccode.
AudioRecording&Editing Capturingthe soundofafullsymphony orchestraorvocal.FL8can recordup to 64audiotrackssimultaneously.ThePlaylistworkspace can containan unlimited numberof audio tracks andallowsyoutoarrange discreteaudioevents in any orderorposition the creativeprocessdictates with complete flexibility.Audiotoolsallow theusertotime-stretch,pitch-shift,beat-slice, chop,editandcreativelydestroy theaudio.FL8audioeditingis further enhancedwithEdison,the recordingwaveeditor.Edisonis afullyaudioeditingandrecordingwith aghostanalysis,convolutionreverb,loop-recording,loop-construction toolsand more...FLStudioimports/exportsWAV,MP3andOggformat.
Sequencing Record musical performancesandideasin the mostlogical.FL8functions as botha patternandtrack basedsequencer,dependingon your preference.These toolsinclude an unlimitedtrack Step-sequencer, an industry-leading Piano RollandAutomationClips.FLStudiosupportsMIDIand inputfromall standard Controllers.
FL8is thefastest way from yourbrain to your speakers.
set Determine your ownprojectdesign.InFL8,youdecidehowyour projectwill be laidout.Unlike thecompetition,FL8's Playlistis atotallyflexibleandvirtually unbounded spacewhere NotePattern,AudioandAutomationdata can be arrangedandedited to suityour creative ideasandpreferred workflow.
Mixing/Mastering The most powerful mixerin its class.FL8includes an industry-leading64 stereotrackmixer.Each track canhold acompositioneffectof8 (VST,DXorFL),andifdesired, be routedto oneof64 tracksor oneof4 dedicated'send'channels.44includedeffectspluginsspan- Maximization,Limiting,Compression, Delay,Distortion, Equalization(graphic¶metriuc),Filtering,Phasing,Flanging, Chorus, Vocoding and Reverb.This willtake youfrom the creative broad-brush effects like reverb, to theminutiaofthe mastering processwithmultibandcompression /limitingandparametricEQ. Click HereToDownloadFruityLoops OS:WindowsXP/Vista Manufacturer:FLStudio Size:130.6MB Minimumsystemrequired: 2GhzAMDorIntelPentium3compatibleCPUwithfullSSE1suport (or)IntelMacwithBootcamp(XPorVista) WindowsXP&Vista(32&64 bit) 512MB ofram 130MBfreehard drive Windows-compatiblesoundcardwithDirectSounddrivers.ASIOdrivers are requiredto record the sound(FLinstallerwith agenericdriverASIO4ALL)
Being an entrepreneur is something that might seem difficult or easy. Being an entrepreneur can be a vocation. Entrepreneurship also need the courage to take risks.These things can be controlled by a one Jeff Bezos. Initially, ie in 1992, Jeff has become a senior vice president at mutual fund firm DE Shaw, based in New York. Then he dreamed to form a company that sells books via the internet.Jeff expressed this to his boss. What response his boss? "That sounds like a good idea, but it's a better idea for someone who is not getting a good job." What is said does not necessarily make her boss Jeff wants to undo. This is another hallmark of a true entrepreneur, which is not only dared to daydream, but also dare to manifest.After 48 hours of thinking, Jeff came out of a comfortable job and starting a business is Now he already has 56 200 employees. Its value was about 80 billion U.S. dollars. What do Jeff is much valued by the editor to senior writer in a number of media business is a unique thing. Jeff has made its own record in the U.S. economy and even the world. In fact he was entered as the largest selection of 12 entrepreneurs to Fortune magazine.So who is more entitled juxtaposed with Jeff on the list? There's Steve Jobs made Apple become the most hot and worth on this earth.Mark Zuckerberg that will make Facebook go public. In
fact, the so-called initial offering of shares of social media will be
the greatest of all time with a value of more than 80 billion U.S.
dollars.Bill Gates with Microsoftnya has helped the revolution in personal computer (PC). Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google's founders which they are now having a market value of about 203.2 billion U.S. dollars.Fred Smith, FedEx logistics services company owner. Fred gained entrepreneurial experience when actually serving the country in the Vietnam War.Herb Kelleher, Southwest Airlines company owner. He
has the view that "Customer is the first person to come. And if you
treat your employees well, guess what? Your customers coming back and it
makes your stock holders happy. Starting with the employee and the rest
will follow."Howard Schultz, the owner of Starbucks coffee shops. He managed to revive the Starbucks brand by challenging old ways of doing things.Sam Walton is now successfully managing Wal-Mart stores. His advice was to give people what they want. With his advice, the Wal-Mart was a success with sales reaching 446.9 billion U.S. dollars.Then John Mackey, Whole Foods owner. He has now been running the Whole Foods Market with more than 300 supermarkets and employs more than 56,000 people.NR
Narayana Murthy, Infosys founder as one of the largest companies in
India that helped transform this South Asian nation's economy and put
the economy to be reckoned with in the world.Oprah Winfrey is known for its television program that inspired many people. He also referred to having a strong media company.Anita Roddick, founder of Body Shop. Anita managed to peddle body care products which are friendly to nature.Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank. His bank has helped many poor people by providing micro-credit in Bangladesh. Now the Grameen model has been developed in over 100 countries and help millions of people.Twelve people were subjectively rated choices that they and their business has a significant impact socially and economically. They have been the inspiration for its workers and other entrepreneurs. There are innovations that they create. They have to have a sustainable organization and have a combined market value of more than 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars. They
also employ more than three million people, ranging from the highest
that 2.1 million workers at Wal-Mart and more than 3,000 people on
Java is a programming language that can run on various computers, including mobile phones. The
language was originally created by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems is
still joined at today is part of Oracle and released in 1995. These
languages are adopting syntactic contained in C and C + + syntax but
with a simpler object model and support a lower-level routines is
minimal. Java-based applications are generally compiled into p-code (bytecode) and can run on different Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java
is a programming language that is general / non-specific (general
purpose), and is specifically designed to utilize minimal implementation
dependencies. Because
the functionality that allows Java applications can run on several
different operating system platform, java also known as its slogan,
"Write once, run anywhere". Java
is currently the most popular programming language used, and is widely
utilized in the development of various types of software applications or
web-based applications.Historical development of JavaJava programming language is born of The Green Project, which runs for 18 months, from early 1991 until the summer of 1992. The project is not using a version called Oak. The
project was initiated by Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan, James Gosling
and Bill Joy, along with nine other programmers from Sun Microsystems. One result of this project is the Duke mascot created by Joe Palrang.Project meeting took place in an office building on Sand Hill Road Menlo Park. Around
the summer of 1992 the project was closed by generating a Java
program's first Oak, which is intended as a hardware controller with
touch screen technology (touch screen), such as the PDA is today. This new technology called "* 7" (Seven Star).After the era of Star Seven completed, a subsidiary of Cable Tv interested plus some of the projects The Green Project. They focus their activities on an office space at 100 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto.The new company look up: number of employees increased in a short time from 13 to 70 people. At this period also specified the use of Internet as a medium that bridges work and ideas between them. In the early 1990s, the Internet is still a stub, which is used only in academic circles and the military.They
make the browser (browser) Mosaic as an initial basis for making the
first browser, called Java Web Runner, inspired from the 1980 film,
Blade Runner. In the development of the first release, the Web Runner renamed Hot Java.In about March 1995, for the first time the Java source code version 1.0a2 opened. Their success was followed by coverage for the first time in the newspaper San Jose Mercury News on May 23, 1995.Unfortunately discord among them one day at 04.00 in a hotel room Sheraton Palace. Three
of the main leaders of the project, Eric Schmidt and George Paolini
from Sun Microsystems along with Marc Andreessen, Netscape form.Oak's name, taken from an oak tree growing in front of the workspace window "Mr Java" James Gosling. Oak's
name is not used for the release version of Java as an other software
has been registered with the trademark, thus retrieved the name of his
successor to "Java". The name is derived from pure ground coffee directly from the seeds (black coffee) Gosling's favorite. It is said that this coffee comes from Java. So the name of the Java programming language comes from none other than Java (Java is the English language for Java). Early versions ofEarly versions of Java in the year 1996 is already a version of the release so-called Java Version 1.0. This version of the Java standard package includes a number that continues to be developed early in the next version:
java.lang: Appropriation basic elements of the class. Appropriation input and output classes, including the use of the file. java.util: Appropriation complementary class of data structures such as class and class calendar class. The Allocation class TCP / IP, allowing it to communicate with other computers using a TCP / IP. java.awt: The base class for applications with a user interface (GUI) java.applet: The base class application interface to be implemented on a web browser.
Multiplatform. The
main advantages of Java is able to run on multiple platforms /
operating system computer, in accordance with the principle of write
once, run anywhere. With
these advantages programmers simply write a Java program and compiled
(converted, from which to understand human language into machine
language / bytecode) once and then the results can be run on multiple
platforms without changes. These advantages allow a java-based program is done on the Linux operating system but runs well on Microsoft Windows. Supported platforms to date is Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Sun Solaris. Penyebanya are each operating system uses its own program (which can be downloaded from Java) to meninterpretasikan bytecode.
OOP (Object Oriented Programming - Object Oriented Programmers) The
Complete Class Libraries, Java is famous for its completeness of the
library / library (a collection of programs that are included in the
Java programming) is very easy in use by the programmers to build
applications. Completeness
of these libraries coupled with the existence of a large community of
Java that continuously create new libraries to cover all application
development needs.
C + + style, has a syntax such as C + + programming language to attract a lot of C + + programmers moving to Java. Currently Java is a lot of users, most of the C + + programmers moving to Java. Universities
in the United States also began to migrate to teach Java to the new
students because it is more easily understood by students and can be
useful also for those who are not majoring in computer.
garbage collection, has the facility of setting memory usage so that
the programmer does not need to perform direct memory settings (as in C +
+ is widely used).Shortage
Write once, run anywhere - There are still some things that are not compatible between the platform with other platforms. For J2SE, for example SWT-AWT bridge which until now does not work on Mac OS X.
Didekompilasi easy. Decompilation is the reverse of the code so it becomes the source code. This
is possible because the code is Java bytecode so that saves a lot of
the attributes of high-level languages, such as the names of classes,
methods, and data types. The same is true of Microsoft. NET Platform. Thus, the algorithm used the program would be more difficult to hide and easily hijacked / direverse-engineer.
A lot of memory usage. The
use of memory for Java-based program is much larger than the previous
generation of high-level language like C / C + + and Pascal (more
specifically, the Delphi and Object Pascal). This
is usually not a problem for those who use the latest technology (due
to trend more and more expensive on-board memory), but a problem for
those who still have to stick with machines older than 4 years.Examples of Simple Program In Java Code Examples Hello world program written using the Java programming language is as follows:/ / Outputs "Hello, world!" and then exitspublic class HelloWorld { public static void main (String args []) { System.out.println ("Hello, world!"); }}